
Garden Diary - December 2024

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The Color Orange - Fruit
Sunday, 1 December 2024

In October the color orange was all pumpkins.

A couple of months later there are still pumpkins to be seen around town,
rather vivid on the steps of this purple house on Route 12 in Frenchtown.

Orange is to be seen around town, not as chrysanthemums but as fruit.

Persimmons are vividly noticeable since the leaves have dropped from the trees on Ridge Road.

I was generously given permission to pick. Took six. Still quite hard - need to soften to be edible.

And then there orange from this massive colony of bittersweet.
It is, alas, Oriental bittersweet, Celastrus orbiculatus. Why alas?

There is a native species, C. scandens, which is out-competed by this one.

The colorful fruiting vines are often cut for use as decoration. If simply tossed away when discarded, the seeds propagate. New vines grow elsewhere, capable of strangling trees as they grow 40 feet tall, wrapping around the trunk. Poisonous for people, birds enthusiastically eat the fruits.

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